Kansas Leadership Journal magazine issues featuring articles by Stan Finger

Broadband Internet: Why Does So Much of Kansas Not Have It?

I have been asked to be on a panel for an event hosted by Engage Kansas Monday night in Hutchinson. The topic will be broadband access in Kansas and how millions of dollars coming to the state should be spent to improve internet service in the Sunflower State.

I have written stories on this issue for the Kansas Leadership Center’s Journal magazine, which is how I earned the invitation. The panel discussion, which will run from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., will be broadcast live on KHCC Radio Kansas (the public radio station in Hutchinson), which is at 90.1 on your FM dial. KMUW, Wichita’s public radio station at 89.1 FM, will air a feature story on the event later in the week.

Articles I have written on the subject:

Please tune in to what promises to be an interesting evening!
